Compared to my other attempt this one has a white background rather than a light cream colour. I wanted to again see what the difference was with having plain white rather than a subtle colour.
I started off by resizing the image and making it a lot smaller, leaving in room to add a small border and page number. I took this decison so that it could relate to my other double page spread and it was also important to make sure that I had a page number in there so the reader knew what page they are on. Also adding the border with a background colour makes the 2 double pages consistent, so you know that they do go together.
I put a glow around the artist in the image because I want people to know he is special and he has been classed as "Norfolk's Saviour" so the glow adds to the aspect of him being important.
I levelled the whole image as I realised that I had a red filter over the image because of the original camera settings and this image is as natural as it would be to the human eye.
I used the font Underground Between for the quote as it is very easy to make
out and gets the audience's attention. I made the piece of text at the bottom a lot smaller due to the fact that it is less signifcant information.
I chose to put the page number on the inside of the page because it is unconventional, this way people know that my magazine is slightly different to others and trying to get noticed, even if it is with small details. Another reason is that page numbers are what people often look for and if they don't want to read an article they won't by simply skipping the page number. Having the page number near the spine means that people have to look in on the article to see what page it is meaning there is a higher chance the article will be read.