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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Sunday, 5 December 2010


AS Print - All Final Pieces

Music Magazine - Final Cover

Music Magazine - Final Double Page Spread

Music Magazine - Final Contents Page

Music Magazine, Contents Page Attempt 2

This is one of the 2 versions of my contents. Compared to my other contents page the background colour is white.

I feel I have kept to the basic layout as that was good to begin with. I have put a main image in the middle of the page which is my cover story as this is very important.

I used white as it is a plain and simple colour and I wanted to see the difference with the light cream colour that I used on my other version.

The fonts I used I think work well for a contents page. The title is with the font Old Newspaper Types which is bolder than other fonts so you know it's the heading on the page. The other 2 fonts I have used all seem to work well. I used tom's handwritten new, for quotes so you can disinguish between the fonts and as it seems like it's handwritting font which can connote the artists' own words as it is a quote from them. Lastly, Arial Rounded MT Bold is used for the text body in the small bits under the artist pictures, this is a simplistic font as it is own a bit of background information and isn't too important.

In the bottom corner I have an advert, in NME magazine they have an advert to promote subscriptions to their magazines but I chose to have an advert for a University open day as for the age range this magazine is aimed at it is more suited than a subscription.

The images I used are the same size except for the one in the middle. The middle image is my cover story so I want that to have more exposure than the other images as I want more people to read this. The images in contrast to the text are colourful as they need to be more eyecatching because they relate to the more important stories in the magazine. The page numbers they are on are written in Premier League as these are bold numbers and eye catching. In a white box they stand out well so you only really see the image and page number, the 2 most important things.

With the main image I chose only to put a quote rather than any other information as it is a teaser like my front cover so if you want to find out more about the mysterious man you have to turn to page 19 to reda the article.

I chose not to put an actual page number on my contents as in my research I discovered that magazines differ from whether they use one or not and I felt mine would suit not having one.

Music Magazine, Double Page Spread Attempt 2 (Left Handside)

This is my second attempt at the left hand side of my double page spread. On this side of the page I have the article which is only half of a complete article as with the title there is not space for a complete article. The article would be completed on another double page spread as this is modelled on a conventional 4 page cover story from many music magazines. Between the story of my article I split it up on the other page with a large image. Having the imageadjacent to the article splits up the heavy reading of the article so then people don't get bored reading, if they find the text too strenuous.

To keep both pages consistent I have decided to use the same font, Underground Between, for the title and the first letter of the article. The stroke behind it is hte same colour, though twice as large for the title as it is bigger. The background colour is too the same with at least one of my right hand side page attempts. This helps show that the pages relate and it also keeps them consistent to one and other.

The title, "Norfolk's Saviour Returns" is important. It tells people that the artist is from Norfolk, but he is special to them as he is labelled as saviour. This also relates to the glowing around the pictures on the magazine of the artist. The position on the front cover is also religious so saviour is a key word to use there in relation to this. The returning factor shows that he has been away.

There is a small bit of information underneath the titlte giving the reader a bit of information about the article as so far through the magazine there is nothing but teasers for them to see about this main article.

The main article tries to remain quirky, with information and quotes about the artist and past details. It is written in size 11 font of Myriad Pro as it is nice, plain and simple to read. There is a clear gap in the middle which seperates the two parts of the article.

With this attempt there is a plain white background, I wanted to see the difference compared to the light cream and see which combination worked better with the other page.

Music Magazine, Double Page Spread Attempt 1 (Left Handside)

This is my first attempt at the left hand side of my double page spread. On this side of the page I have the article which is only half of a complete article as with the title there is not space for a complete article. The article would be completed on another double page spread as this is modelled on a conventional 4 page cover story from many music magazines. Between the story of my article I split it up on the other page with a large image. Having the image adjacent to the article splits up the heavy reading of the article so then people don't get bored reading, if they find the text too strenuous.

To keep both pages consistent I have decided to use the same font, Underground Between, for the title and the first letter of the article. The stroke behind it is hte same colour, though twice as large for the title as it is bigger. The background colour is too the same with at least one of my right hand side page attempts. This helps show that the pages relate and it also keeps them consistent to one and other.

The title, "Norfolk's Saviour Returns" is important. It tells people that the artist is from Norfolk, but he is special to them as he is labelled as saviour. This also relates to the glowing around the pictures on the magazine of the artist. The position on the front cover is also religious so saviour is a key word to use there in relation to this. The returning factor shows that he has been away.

There is a small bit of information underneath the titlte giving the reader a bit of information about the article as so far through the magazine there is nothing but teasers for them to see about this main article.

The main article tries to remain quirky, with information and quotes about the artist and past details. It is written in size 11 font of Myriad Pro as it is nice, plain and simple to read. There is a clear gap in the middle which seperates the two parts of the article.

With this attempt there is a ligth cream colour for the background as it helps give character and make everything stand out well.