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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Final Trailer

Trailer Movie Night

After making out trailers we invited a test panel of 50 people to view our movie trailers. Having 25 males and females between the ages of 16 and 25 meant we could get honest feedback from our target audiences.

The Advertising

To advertise our event we made a poster which included all 4 of our posters on it. This was a good way of getting people interested in taking a ticket and turning up to our event. Having all 4 of our poster on it meant that if someone was interested in 1 poster they saw all the trailers on offer so we all got feedback.

Another way to attract people was to offer free refreshments. To thank the people for coming we put out some food and drink.


After showing both the theatrical and the teaser trailer the audience said they preferred the theatrical trailer.

Theatrical Trailer

Teaser Trailer

Bloopers Reel


Music for my Trailer

The music in my trailer is a combination of sound effects from iMovie HD and the music that I made myself using Garageband software.

The list of sound effects I used are:
  • Foreboding
  • Scary Accent
  • Heartbeat
  • Suspense
  • Cold Wind
On iMovie I also recorded my voiceovers for my characters. This took several attempts to get right, but once I had got the voices correct I moved them to the right positions with ease.


Using loops
on Garageband I managed to make my soundtrack for my trailer. I used many instruments and had them at different volume levels to get the desired gothic, supernatural effect. I had the grand piano and acoustic base as my 2 loudest instruments. This helped create my repetitive spooky tune. I wanted to make it the same throughout my trailer to show that there was always a ghostly presence. By cutting the loops to the bit of sound I wanted I then dragged them back out to get a flowing sound.

The Watching Original Soundtrack by MiniManJamJam

The Watching Final Music by MiniManJamJam

Monday, 14 November 2011

Planning Music for Trailer

I plan to create my music either on a piano or using the Apple software, garageband.

The music will be spooky and supernatural and used as a current piece through my trailer.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Shooting Schedule - Theatrical Trailer

This is my shooting schedule for the 14th of November. It contains infomation for the shots that I will be gathering from the filming of my theatrical trailer.

Saturday, 12 November 2011


All of my pictures and videos were down on Old Hunstanton beach and cliffs. The area is quite quiet and made the setting perfect for a murderer to meet someone he has lured to him.

The location is the same through poster, magazine and trailer to keep continuity.

I originally planned to do all of my filming here I stuck to what I decided to do.


I intend to use a minimal amount of props.
I plan to only use 2 props in my trailer.
I will use a scarf as a prop. This prop will be used when the killer tries to grab at the girl and she runs off.
I will also use a random plank of wood. I intend to use this as a weapon in the girl’s escape.

Trailer Analysis - Funny Games

Funny Games Analysis by MiniManJamJam

I will think about doing shots in the same way when I film my trailer. The use of text to break up clips is an idea I wish to incorporate.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

My Magazine Cover - Post Feedback

This is my magazine cover after I got feedback from Twitter and Facebook. I think that I will still change a few things. The cover is lacking colour and I could add so colour to make the cover stand out better to a reader.

As the character in my trailer has a blue blazer I think I will also change this.


Here are links to both sections of my feedback for my magazine.

Social Networking Post

Year 11 Class Post

Both of these are hyperlinks and will take you straight to the relevant posts.

Feedback - Social Network

I was pleased with the feedback from the social networking sites as it meant that I could easily edit things that I needed to with clear instructions as to what people in my target market thought.

    • Sarah Olivo I like the puff, but think the blazer should be changed to blue, like it is in the trailer.
      31 minutes ago ·

Feedback - Year 11 Class

Fonts - Film Magazine