When you look straight away at the contents page you notice that there are many different colours and these all come from sperate images on the contents page. The images are all the same size except one image which is noticeably larger which is because it is a main story in the magazine, this is good for NME because what they want to be key focus of the reader's time can be because they have a large image publiscing it. Everything is noticeably spread out and incomplete boxes help to also seperate stories so nothing is overlapping or too confusing to the reader. This is a good method to use because it means you know which picture relates to which piece of text.
The text itself is split up with different fonts that relate to the pictures on the contents page. They all have their very own quote with them and then the quote is in a more stand out font that the writing below which gives extra information about the article that the image relates to. The quotes give the audience a small isnite into the kind of article it will probably be, about how the artist talks and what kind of artist it is that NME are chatting to.
A feature I really like from this contents page is the fact there is no numerical order to the contents, NME order the images to their importance, then put their page number in a white box in the bottom right handside. This makes the contents feel more open and less like a list, meaning there is more chance you will read it, thereby making sure you read more articles.
In a small gap in the bottom is a very small column labelled, 'Plus' which contains a maximum of 3 words per line and a page number relating to it. This is because this is regular stuff to magazine, this is helpful to save space and it also reduces any kind of long list you oftenly see in a contents page.
On and ending note NME manage to sneak in a cheeky little advert for themselves in the bottom right corner. The background colour of this is red, which is a very eyecatchign colour meaning people will more than likely look at this after looking at the images. The writing is large and white so it stands out. The slogan reads; "WANT TO GET NME FOR THE BEST PRICE POSSIBLE?" This is brilliant way to advertise as people start to think of money they will be saving on this £2.30 magazine. Then in much smaller font it offers a subscribtion. I think the advert in the corner is very well done because when a magazine has a subscription on an entire page you often skim past it if you aren't interested.
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