After creating the step 9 poster I put that on my Facebook page in order to gain peoples' opinion of my work. Many came back saying they liked the poster but that there were things they felt would be better off changed. I used the audience feedback to edit my poster.
Before my poster had a very boring ident, it was just the text saying 'After Burner' but now it is changed to a blue and purple pill shape with my new production name 'Read Studios' within it. I prefer this ident as it stands out from the page better, and is easily transferable to other media products that I create.
Another change to my poster is the girl. Before she was fully visible with a drop shadow which was there in order to show she had depth. Now the girl has a black colour overlay. I think this really works for my poster, you know very little about her there, just the impression that she is planning something and watching the male - this thanks to the tagline and film name. Her black figure can be seen pressing up to the window and isn't immediately visible. The fact it isn't immediately noticed means people have to get closer and look to see what it is, thereby attracted to the poster to see what the unknown is.
Lastly from step 9 I made my title larger so it took up most of the top of the page. I originally didn't want the title so big but had problems getting the title central due to the size of the words 'the' and 'watching'.
I am impressed with this final version of my poster.