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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Sunday 30 October 2011

My Magazine Cover - Pre-feedback

This is my final magazine cover. It mainly advertises my film 'The Watching' and in creating it I have tried to stick to the codes and conventions of a real film magazine.

Codes and Conventions

When I looked at both Empire and Total Film magazine covers I realised that they contain a lot of information. This can be through pictures or text. I felt that conforming with both magazines on the amount of information I included was important. If I decided to promote only one movie to attract my target audience it would be risky strategy as not everyone likes the same movie.

I decided also that the main image should be of just one figure from my film. Modern film magazines tend to have one actor on the front cover. When I was desiging the cover I originally decided not to have any other image i.e the background, but upon closer inspection of magazine covers saw that the cover often contains an action scene or a setting from the film. Using the glass from the shelter in my poster makes the magazine look clearer and keeps a continuity with my poster.


The layout was something else that kept with the codes and conventions of a popular film magazine. I didn't think creating a layout too different from Empire or Total Film would be wise as it's now recognised for how film magazines set out their covers.

My cover contains a strip along the bottom with a couple of images of a girl. I liked this idea of a strip to promote other movies on both Empire and Total Film but encorporated the idea of having it for a D.I.Y film article instead.

Film Poster Questionnaire

Media Questionnaire Post-production My Film Poster

1. What gender are you?

Male Female

2. Which genre do you feel this poster is?

Thriller Action Horror Comedy Drama

3. How much do you like my poster?
On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. Why did you rate it with this score?

5. What did you like about the poster?

6. What did you dislike about the poster?

7. What would you change about the poster?

8. From the poster what do you think the film is about?

9. Do you think the fonts are effective, and why?
Yes No

10. Do you feel that the images have been manipulated effectively?

11. Would this poster make you want to see the film?

Yes No