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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Music Magazine, Front Cover Basic Layout

This is my basic layout for my Music Magazine.

I have very much sectioned things out and have tried to keep things simple with a simple layout. I don't want everything too overlapping so have kept it at this stage very block layout, though in my magazine it won't all be in squares of information.

The Masthead is one of the most important features to do, it has to be very eye catching and I want mine to be a mix between a logo and a Masthead, so when people see this Masthead they recognise the fact that it relates to my magazine.

Under my Masthead I want a title for my magazine, this will relate to the main image I choose on the front of my magazine cover. I might decide to substitute the headline for a puff at the bottom of the page that gives extra detail about my magazine or put what my image relates to in a piece of text to the side of the image so people then have to buy and ultimately read the magazine to find out what it means.

My image is in the center of my magazine, this is because I want it to be the focus of my cover and to show that whoever is on the cover is quite important. I haven't decided on an image yet but I have a few ideas.

The text on the front cover will relate to what is in the magazine, there will be small amounts of information so that the readers want to read on to find out other stories.

For the moment I plan to have the barcode at the top right corner near the Masthead but think that I will move this to the bottom because the barcode is not at all an attractive item on the cover and the sole purpose of the cover is to attract the audience into buying your magazine over another one.

In the next week or so I plan to expand on my front cover with a few different ideas before deciding on a final one. This could include a change in image used and stories.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent initial draft of the front cover of your music magazine Jamie. Well done. Miss Brown
