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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Friday 1 October 2010

Contents Page Mock Up for School Magazine

This is the mock up for my contents page of my school magazine. On it I have included all the usual things you expect to see on a contents page such as the page numbers and details of articles but I have also taken ideas from other magazines such as NME.

In NME I noted that they had a cheeky advertising space for themselves, so in my contents page I have put a space for an advert, this advert would be appropriate for a school magazine so I would probably put an advert from something around the school, like I could advertise a school disco or event that I wanted to help raise money. This could be one way of making mass market and also using a cross media technique because I could incorporate maybe something musical around the school which is happening.

I have a list in the middle of the page for the main articles that I want to print, things that don't often occur in my magazine, such as a key article like a fire. Then for things that appear regularly in my school magazine I will have them in a small box of extra things in the top corner. I will then have images to show the kind of things in my articles. The colours will be red writing on a white background so it's simple and eye-catching.

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