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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Monday 1 November 2010

Music Magazine, Double Page Spread Attempt 1 (Right Hand side)

For my first double page spread page I have decided to use the entire page for an image of my artist who is on the front of my cover. It is a first chance for the audience to get a proper look at who is in the magazine and from his stance against a faded brick wall you can tell the kind of person he is going to be.

The image is trying to show that the artist is relaxed and he is a laid backed, chilled out kind of guy.

So there is some information to go along with the picture I have included a quote from the artist which relates to the article about him.

I will edit this page by slightly altering the picture's contrast and maybe moving a select part of the picture off the page. I want to change the font on the quote to make it clearer but also to show that the artist is more acoustic rock than heavy grunge.

1 comment:

  1. Great work on planning during the construction of your magazine Jamie. It useful to make a diary/blog entry about any changes you make from your previous intial planning ideas to use when you evaluate your Foundation Portfolio.

    Keep this work up.

    Miss Brown.
