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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Music Magazine, Front Cover 3rd Attempt

From my first attempt I have not changed the front cover too much. I have kept the image as it was though editing the colour slightly by levelling it as it had a red filter over it which came from the camera I had used.

I have mainly changed the stories on the front of my magazine cover and the positions of them to try to make things seem more set out. Stories on the right hand side are aligned to the right where the left hand side is aligned to the left. I removed one story on the cover about the artist in the picture and substituted it for a headline above the masthead. This is in the center of the magazine and is eye catching. It is like the iamge and is only a teaser as you don't know much about the artist in the picture from the front cover.

With the image I put a glow around the artist. This is because a glow is often associated with an angel and the artist has his arms out like a religious figure so adding the glow makes him seem like a 'saviour' and also makes the audience know he is important. I have also added a shadown to the bottom of the artist to make the image seem less photoshopped than it orignally appeared before. There is only a small amount of grass around the artist and it is hardly sprouting up, this simplises new life and a new beginning for the artist.

I have kept the masthead font as Hard Rock but have changed the font at the bottom to Fucked Plate. Both of these fonts are inkeeping with the cover and also the hard rock theme of the magazine. The stroke around the Fucked Plate font is blue and it is hard to make out in comparison to the other fonts. I wanted it to remain blue because the image is on a cliff near the sea so the blue defines the sea of Norfolk. It also means people spend longer looking at the font trying to work out what it says, meaning they take an interest in your magazine and there could be a higher chance of them buying it.

Compared to my other attempt the difference with this one is that the artist is more central on the cover. In comparison with the new headline he is pretty mcuh in alignment which means your eyes are drawn in to both the artist and the headline.

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