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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Can modern day media make more music known?

Jon Curtis is probably to many people just someone who sings on the corridors of the London Underground, maybe an annoyance to passers by, or he could be that one talent lurking in the shadows who really needs to be unleashed.

The London underground is often busy with people coming and going but through stations such as Picadilly Circus and Leicster Square you hear the brilliant talent of Jon Curtis, with a sign that simply says; "Jon Curtis, Like Facebook iTunes" manages to get himself well known. When passing through these stations the music echoes around the stations and once you get down to find the the artist playing this you see the sign advertising this. People don't really have the time to stop and listen completely but seeing this sign you go home and search into his music. His Facebook fan page has 2232 fans, and a reasonably priced album for £3.95 obviousley something is working.

Jon has one numerous awards for his musical work but can he manage to get any further than the London Underground? I personally hope he can, he just needs to find the right record company to take him on and I feel he could go far.


  1. He's good! Good story to post. well done.

  2. I saw him play last Sunday and he was really good, also bought his album from iTunes
