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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Front Cover Images

I have now decided on the 2 images I wish to use for the front cover of my music magazine; Uprising. This includes the main image of a music artist and also the background image on the front cover.

The image of the artist I chose to use because it is mainly different. In the shops a lot of magazines have the same idea when it comes to the cover, an artist facing the front and taking up the entire page, but this image is more unconventional. The artist to start with isn't facing the camera so that means you don't know who it is, so it can make you want to read on and find out who it is. The way he is positioned, with his arm out in a cross ca

n denote a religious figure, which then putting him on the cliff top can make it seem like he has been sent by God. The clothes the artist is in are very normal because he's just a normal guy who made something for himself, this way it relates to the audience showing that anyone can make it in life.

The background image I chose to use is from Hunstanton Cliffs. I felt that the cliffs are good to use because of their positioning and what they can connote. The view from

the cliffs appears to be endless which could give someone the idea that the artist's music won't end. The cliffs are also up high and near the sea so positioning the artist on the edge of the cliffs, meaning the height adds a meaning of power and also with the sea makes it seem like he is coming out to the world about how good his music is.

I think combining these 2 images works well because the position helps compliment the cliff edge, together it makes it seem like he could possibly have been put there by God because of the cliffs and the sea seeming endless.

In later images used on my front cover the artist has been levelled out in Photoshop and the cliffs have been zoomed in on one specific area and turned to black and white.

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