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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

First attempt at the layout for school magazine front cover

This is my first attempt at the front cover for my school magazine. I have incoraparated codes and conventions such as the Mast Head, news, information, barcode and more. I have used the main shapes I wish to use when I make my front cover, these include the shapes of the text I wish to use, the shapes of the images I wish to use and the star shape to attract attention for a school competition.

In my first layout I have thought about 3 main fonts I wish to use; Mistral, Stencil and Times New Roman. I think these could fit in with the theme of a school as we associate young children using stencils, Mistral looks like writing but in the future I may change Times New Roman as I don't feel it affilates with the theme as well as the other 2 fonts.

The colour scheme I have used for my first attempt is not what I will follow in the future, I will incorparate colours that relate to Smithdon's colour schemes. I will want to use 3 main colours, I know I will use red and blue but so far am not sure of the last colour.

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