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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Monday 20 September 2010

Second Magazine mock up for preliminary task - School Magazine

This is my second attempt at my school magazine cover. From my last magazine cover I have tried to steer away from the title page looking more like a magazine cover than newspaper. I have used my created logo to work well with the mast head.

The fonts I used I felt worked well again with a school theme, I cut them down from 3 and now use 2 font types, Times New Roman and Tekton Ext. I thinks this are a good association of school writing. For my background I have decided to use a picture of the school, like this picture on my mock up magazine I wish to edit it so it is black and white, that means that my words and images will stand out from the cover better and attract the audience.

I haven't tried to go over the top with the colours, I have the colours from my images (these are mock images) but my main colour scheme would be red and royal blue to work with the old Smithdon polo shirt colours. Then have black and white so it makes everything seem quite simple but effective.

I have used different shapes to also attract the attention of the audience, a few stars and a love heart work well as they are big recognisable shapes. As a final way of attracting the reader I have included a free ruler with the purchase of this magazine.

In an attempt to improve my magazine I think I will get rid of a bit of the stuff off the front cover as at the moment it seems a bit overloaded and a simpler design could be just as effective if not more.

1 comment:

  1. Think about the font Times New Roman. It's a very basic font and isn't very often seen in media products. Have a look at downloading fonts from the internet. Screen shot the same magazine front cover but try using different fonts.
