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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Friday 24 September 2010

Third Magazine mock up for preliminary task - School Magazine

This is my attempt at my magazine cover, as of yet I have not put my own images onto the cover but I have edited the second attempt.

Different from the second attempt are the font types and I have changed one of the stories and images/shapes. With the shapes I have taken out the love heart with the story of Teacher Love as I felt this to be tacky in comparison with the rest of the magazine. I changed it for a softer picture of a timetable and changed my story to being about Timetable Much Ups. I kept the star in as it seems to be more in keeping with the tone, having only one shape means the magazine doesn't end up looking too tacky.

The font has now been changed from Times New Roman to Broadway, I did this because Times New Roman is very common and is not often used in magazines, Broadway is eye catching and I think it works well with my magazine as a whole.

For my final design I will be making the images my own and trying to get the layout correct for the final time, and tweeking out any mistakes that I find.

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