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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Monday 26 September 2011

Creation of my poster - Step 6

In this step I added on my main male character. I had the actor looking down because he is guilty for what he has done. This could lead the audience into wondering what he has done and maybe feeling sorry for him. This is in contrast to what I intend to do with my trailer, in my trailer the male character will try to divert any sympathetic feelings people might feel for him.

The clothes in this poster are very natural. The character is in no way supernatural so is wearing normal clothes. He is wearing a blazer with a tee shirt, this is smart casual, the look that I want this character to have. The jeans and trainers that he wears are also very casual. In some ways his clothes don't conform to the norm, other movies with the same type of character usually wear smarter clothes. I want my character to try to appear younger than he is as his character profile shows him to be manipulative in this way.

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