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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Cinema Trip - Majestic King's Lynn (27/09/2011)

I used the feedback from the interviews with the women to try and make my first attempt movie poster. The women told me they wanted a bit of mystery within my poster to attract them to my film.

After creating my first poster I went back to the cinema to try and get some more feedback. I took along with me and A3 printed out movie poster.

I showed it to 25 people outside the cinema with many people liking it but feeling that improvements could be made.

Most people felt that it looked terrific for the thriller genre, it was spooky and gloomy which made people sense fear and terror. One person linked it to the gothic subgenre which I was pleased with.

People did however tell me that the girl in the picture didn't look realistic. They weren't sure whether she was a ghost or just watching him. One man said, "The girl looks frightening until you notice the fact that the shadow around her made her look at though she is being pressed against the window, rather than pressing herslf against it." From this comment I know I definately need to change the girl in my poster.

One person, Darren, was on hand to give me some feedback to my poster.

Darren Interview by MiniManJamJam

I am pleased with the feedback as it means that I can go away and change a few things without having to start from scratch. Darren said that he liked the fact it was 'dark' but it was hard to see everything. This means that altering the brightness should be done, but not to an extent that everything because too bright. The poster needs to remain gloomy so it is still supernatural and fits well into the thriller genre.

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