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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Different Types of Storyboards

1. The Thumbnail storyboard - This is where you draw your storyboard all on one or two pieces of paper. For each shot in your proposed film, draw a little sketch, about the size of a postage stamp. Even if the drawings are barely legible it is ok as the point is to be able to get your ideas down on paper as quickly as possible.

2. The Floating storyboard - This is where you draw sketches of your scenes without rectangles around them, they are just floating on the page. When you're in the early stages of developing your images, this is a free-form way to work.

3. The Framed storyboard - This storyboard is where you draw your images inside of fixed rectangles. This here forces you to think carefully about how you want to compose things within the shape of the screen that your film will be displayed on.

4. The Photo storyboard - If you have some puppets and sets done, you can make your storyboard images using a digital camera. With the camera, you don't have to worry about aspect ratio as the device imposes a frame around the image.

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