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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Poster Feedback

I put the poster from Step 9 onto my Facebook page so I could get feedback on what I was thinking of having as my final poster. The feedback was very helpful, it pointed out some mistakes that I had made in my creation process meaning I could change them for my final poster. Here is some of the feedback.

  • Martin Howard - I really like the composition of this, looks really professional. As far as feedback goes, I think you need to soften the edges of Sarah in the background, especially around her arms and hands, looks like she has a black outline. I think if you did that she would seem more realistic in the background and it would be perfect. :)
  • Rex Makemson - I agree with Martin the poster is a good one with just a couple of flaws blend the girl in just her right arm and shoulder and her left arm, the boys righht hand is a bit blown out the word after has 2 'f's'. I quite like the title its bright and sharp and draws the eye.
  • Robbie Dale - The poster looks good, though I'm not sure if it was your intention or not but I think Sarah's face is too clear and should perhaps make her more like the effect on the hands.
  • Victoria Waterhouse - Really great poster, needs a bit more colour and the images need to be blended in a little better as they look like they stand off the page, a little. But all together, looks really professional and great :)
These comments helped me to edit the final touches of my poster. I did not realise that there we
re 2 F's in my After Burner lettering so this was a big help for that. The contrasts in colours that people said I need I managed to have a look at too.

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