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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Monday 26 September 2011

Creation of my poster - Step 7

Step 7 involved me creating the main supernatural character, the dead ghost. I decided that my character should be positioned behind the glass of the shelter because the male of the poster could not see her, but the audience could. The title of my film is "The Watching" and obviously this character appears to be watching the man. The tagline of "Patience is a virtue" also hints that she has time and is going to get revenge and it doesn't matter how long it takes.

The girl is wearing normal clothes but they are just plain black, the reason she is in these clothes is because she died a normal death, in the movie trailer I will make sure she is in this outfit at least once. Both costumes the characters in the posters wear will be used in the trailer in order to keep continuity.

There is a backdrop on the girl to try and make her seem more realistic. My audience feedback may suggest this isn't so good, so for my final version the backdrop might disappear.

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