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Jamie, that's my name. I'm a Norfolk meterosexual who likes women outside his own family.

Monday 26 September 2011

Creation of my poster - Step 8

For the next stage in creating my postersI had to add the text layers tomy poster. Getting the text layers right is very important as it gives away little bits of information that help the audience get attracted to this poster. With the 2 pictures there is only 1 major difference, the actor's names.
The actors names are only on 1 of the posters as I wanted to compare the differences between them. The reason for the actor's names not being on both posters here is due to the fact that I felt putting them on the poster overcrowded the text layers and that there might be too much text for the poser. This is something that I will use feedback to decide on.

With the other pieces of text I have only used 3 fonts which I downloaded from abstractfonts.com and dafont.com. The 3 fonts that I used are:
  1. Reprise Stamp - The Watching
  2. I Still Know - Patience is a Virtue
  3. Steel Tongs - All other text.
'The Reprise Stamp' font I chose because it looks good in all capital letters and catches the attention of the audiences. The text looks slightly supernatural and appears a bit spooky. Adding glow affects also means it looks paranormal.
'I Still Know' again looks good in capital letters, it looks quite an old font so that means it can appear kind of gothic. Due to the mystical themes within my trailer a spooky font is important. It suits the words of my tagline which is important.
'Steel Tongs' is a very important font. Using lower case letters turns the lower case letters into movie credits, such as : is the word, Presents. To have the actual word you type in this font it must be all in captials. The font is very proffesional for a movie poster and helps my poster keep to the normal conventions of a movie poster.

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